How to spend a night at the airport – Tips

When you are on the road, not everything always goes how it’s supposed to, you can often find yourself in adverse situations where you need to rest or even spend the night. It may be that your flight is canceled or that the bus service into town is less frequent than you expected; and the hotels in the area are too expensive and the nearest hostel is located tens of kilometers away.

For these and other reasons, you could be stuck in a public place for several hours (sometimes even days), with nothing available but your own backpack and a feeling of anxiety that grips your stomach. In addition you might feel exhausted, broken and with no energy.

What should you do if you find yourself  in one of these scenarios? Well not much, try to spend the night or at least rest for a few hours.

If you decide to lie down, keep in mind two basic points: safety and comfort.

Security: you will never be comfortable if you don’t feel safe first

  • Having any spray with you (such as a deodorant) is certainly an excellent deterrent if someone disturbs.
  • Sleeping close to other people is a great way to feel more relaxed and safer.
  • If you are in an airport for example, a good idea is to lie down near a shop or kiosk; places that are constantly supervised (or video monitored)
  • Try to find a bright place, not too secluded: avoid dark corners hidden away from other people
  • Use your own backpack as a pillow or keep it in close contact with your body, taking care to tighten a loop around your arm (or leg), so you know immediately if someone tries to steal it
  • If possible, move objects of greater value to the bottom of the backpack
  • Having an emergency plan is essential: orientate yourself with the exists in case of an emergency.

Comfort: rest adequately; it’s essential for a good continuation of the trip.

  • A pillow is an essential: if you do not have a travel one available, you can always use your backpack as a substitute, or even some clothing, preferably soft (to avoid waking up with a sore neck)
  • Avoid being cold: use a sleeping bag or cover yourself with warm clothing in case the temperature drops at night
  • Use earplugs to eliminate, even partially, external noise that could disturb your sleep
  • A hat or an eye protecting visor are useful against the blinding light of airports and waiting rooms in general

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1 thought on “How to spend a night at the airport – Tips”

  1. Love this article! Such great advice. I’m always on the road and getting stranded happens.
    It’s not a question of if but when. A great reason to always have a carry-on….emergency pillow!
    Thanks again for sharing your experience.

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