Travel the world 91days at a time
They decided they weren’t content with being the eternal tourist so they took a different slant on travel and the 91 days concept was born, check out the interview below which includes some great travel tips.
They decided they weren’t content with being the eternal tourist so they took a different slant on travel and the 91 days concept was born, check out the interview below which includes some great travel tips.
Three times around the world: It’s always a pleasure to know and meet other travellers, especially when it comes to people who have turned their hobby into a business just like Matteo Pennacchi. Italian by birth, Matteo moved to South … Read More
This month we propose taking our readers on a journey through our past travels. Starting with Cambodia, with over one hundred ancient temples, empty beaches, rivers, forests and of course the spectacular Angkor Wot. Cambodia receives very few visitors compared to neighbouring Thailand and definitely one … Read More
This week guest blogger is Anneliese Rabl, a writer who has been living in Italy for many years and through experience has come to understand and celebrate the deep contradictions which are embedded in Italian culture and people . Anneliese’s beautifully explained piece, details why there is still a … Read More
Changing your life is definitely not just a dream; as many people would have you believe. It is also not as difficult as your would think! Giulia, an Italian woman from Genova can demonstrate this. Tired and disappointed by her … Read More
From Italy to the Philippines: the extraordinary story of Paolo and Juliet Thinking Nomads is all about showing people how to follow their dreams and what it takes to fulfil them; in this interview we recount the extraordinary adventure of Paolo his … Read More
During our six weeks of traveling around Colombia in the build up to Christmas we’ve noticed that lights and decorations are an important part of the Christmas celebrations. Not only in public areas but also on family houses; we saw … Read More